2nd Philippine International
Copyright Summit

21 to 25 October 2024
Novotel Manila, Araneta, Quezon City

2nd Philippine International
Copyright Summit

21 to 25 October 2024
Novotel Manila, Araneta, Quezon City



PICS 2024 continues the tradition of bringing together in one event the leading international and local key players, experts, policymakers, and other stakeholders in the copyright sector.

The event will feature keynote addresses, panel discussions, and interactive sessions with renowned experts and stakeholders in the field of intellectual property, specifically copyright.

PICS logo



PICS 2024 continues the tradition of bringing together in one event the leading international and local key players, experts, policymakers, and other stakeholders in the copyright sector.

The event will feature keynote addresses, panel discussions, and interactive sessions with renowned experts and stakeholders in the field of intellectual property, specifically copyright.

PICS logo

Event Schedule

Plenary Sessions (Monet 1)

  • Ribbon Cutting of Art Exhibit, Creative Displays, and
    Selling Fair
  • Opening Ceremony
  • Invocation
  • Philippine National Anthem
  • Welcome Remarks
  • Special Messages
  • Keynote Address
  • Intermission / Performances
  • Press Conference
  • Copyright in the Age of AI: Protecting Creative Minds
  • Mixed Perspectives: A View of AI from Various Sectors
  • Panel Discussion
  • MOU signing with COMELEC
  • Sync Up: Tackling the Music Industry’s Global Trends and Challenges
  • Pinoy Sound: Trends and Challenges in the Filipino Music Scene
  • Music Copyright: Legal Framework, Collective Management and Enforcement
  • Performance by Guest Performer
  • Panel Discussion
  • Conversation on Performers’ Rights
  • Exploring Global Trends in Reproduction Rights
  • Contracts and Copyright: Publishing Issues and Concerns
  • The State of Global Publishing: Market Shifts and Future Horizons
  • Generative AI and the Book Publishing
    Industry: An Opportunity or Threat?
  • A Writer’s Journey: Exploring the Craft,
    Process, and Impact of Writers
  • PH-Korea Copyright Forum
  • Trends and Challenges in Audiovisual and Film
  • Television, Film and the Broadcast Industry
  • Neighboring Rights: Towards Concluding a Treaty on the Protection of Broadcasting
  • Game On: Trends and Challenges Shaping the Future of Gaming and Animation
  • Into the 21st Century: The Future of Copyright and the Creative Industries (Blockchain, Nanotechnology, Expert Outlook)

Breakout Sessions (Monet 2)

General Topics about Copyright-Based Industries (CBIs)

  • Topic 1:  “Copyright-Based Industries: Drivers of Economic Growth”
  • Topic 2: “The State of Copyright and Creative Industries (CCIs) in Asia” – Part 1
  • “The State of Copyright and Creative Industries (CCIs) in Asia” – Part 2
  • Launching of New BCRR Services

Music, Performing Arts and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Breakout Session 1: “Lyrics and Rhythms: On-the-Spot Songwriting and Music Creation”

  • Breakout Session 2: “Creative Harmony: Conversations on Singers and Composers Music Copyright Journey”

  • Breakout Session 3: “The Art of Dance: A Choreography Workshop and Discussion on Dance as a Copyrightable Subject”

Publishing, Books, Newspapers, Periodicals, Press and Literature

  • Breakout Session 4: Digital Lending and Digitization Practices in Libraries: Issues and Concerns

  • Breakout Session 5: “A Futuristic World: The Art and Science of Fiction Writing”

  • Breakout Session 6: “CodeWars:  AI & Software Development”

  • Breakout Session 7 : “Hit Me With Your Best Shot: An Introduction to the Basics of Photography”

  • Film Showing

Visual and Graphic Arts

  • PH-Korea Copyright Forum

  • Miniature Houses

Animation and Gaming, Software and Database, Broadcast, MSMEs, Audiovisual and Film Industry

  • Breakout Session 8:  “Animation 101: Demonstration on the process of animation production”

  • Breakout Session 9: “The Copyright Palette” Fostering Creative Growth: Connecting Filipino and Thai Creators through Digital Platforms

  • Breakout Session 10: “Untitled: A Workshop on 2D Film Animation”

Participation is FREE!

Register below to join the 2024 Philippine International Copyright Summit


International Sponsors

Local Sponsors



International Sponsors

Local Sponsors


IPOPHL taps QC as host for its 2nd PH-lnt’I Copyright Summit

The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) has partnered with the Quezon City Government in hosting the much-awaited return of its Philippine-International Copyright Summit (PICS) this October.

Known as the “City of Stars,” Quezon City is home to 130 registered production companies and screen enterprises, six national broadcast networks and nearly 100 cinemas, earning it the reputation as the Philippines’ capital for culture, entertainment and media.

IPOPHL taps QC as host for its 2nd PH-lnt’I Copyright Summit

The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) has partnered with the Quezon City Government in hosting the much-awaited return of its Philippine-International Copyright Summit (PICS) this October.

Known as the “City of Stars,” Quezon City is home to 130 registered production companies and screen enterprises, six national broadcast networks and nearly 100 cinemas, earning it the reputation as the Philippines’ capital for culture, entertainment and media.


Got Questions?

Send us an email at: pics@ipophil.gov.ph


Follow the Bureau of Copyrights and Related Rights on Facebook for updates!


Got Questions?

Send us an email at: pics@ipophil.gov.ph


Follow the Bureau of Copyrights and Related Rights on Facebook for updates!