Examination Guidelines on Patents, UM, ID involving GRTKTCE and IKSP

The objective of this internal document is to guide Examiners on how to handle and treat applications with involve biodiversity, genetic resource (GR), traditional knowledge (TK), traditional cultural expressions (TCE), and indigenous knowledge, systems and practices (IKSP).


The Manual for Patent Examination Procedure (MPEP) covers not only revisions in the current substantive examination procedures, but also includes important procedural aspects in the filing, formality examination, publication, granting and post-grant of patents, the registration of utility model and industrial designs, the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) procedures and the Community Review Process.

Information Communications Technology and Computer-Implemented Inventions

These “Examination Guidelines for Information and Communications Technology patent applications” (“ICT and CII Guidelines”) are designed to assist Patent Examiners in analysing claimed subject matters belonging to the ICT field as to whether they fully comply with the substantive law.

Biotechnological Applications

The Guidelines for Examination of Patent Applications in the Field of Biotechnology put together the best practices in resolving the issues that patently entail biotech inventions, and guide the examiners to the most relevant approach to most cases.

Examination of Pharmaceutical Applications Involving Known Substances (QUAMA Guide)

The QUAMA Guide provides the methodology to be observed by patent examiners in the examination of patent applications for drugs and medicines.