How to File for an Industrial Design
Step 1
- Conduct a Design Patent Search through: You can also use Global Design Database, ASEAN Design View and/or any other existing internet publication.
- (This is optional only if you want to check the existing prior art similar to your Industrial Design)
– Prepare all necessary documents in PDF
Step 3
- Enter the Title of the Industrial design
- In the “Representative Drawing” field, Upload a perspective view (for 3D Designs) or plan/front view (for 2D Designs) as Representative Reproduction (maybe one of the ff: drawing, computer graphic reproduction, or photograph with neutral background).
Step 4
- Once the Representative Reproduction is uploaded, proceed in the Divisional Application and Claim for Priority Right (if applicable).
Step 5
- Fill-out necessary information for Applicant, Designer, and Agent/Representative.
Step 6
- Upload all necessary documents such as the Description and Reproductions (drawing, computer graphic representation or photographs) and if Applicable, upload the following documents (Priority Document, Assignment, Special Power of Attorney, etc.). A Fee computation will be shown upon completion of documents
Step 7
- Review all information and pay for the fees.
Pay online by choosing your payment channels (Dragonpay, Paymaya, or Visa), after which, instructions will be shown on how to proceed.