IPOPHL, ARISE+ IPR to attract business opportunities to PH through IP webinar

October 8, 2021

In a bid to help international investors and entrepreneurs succeed in the Philippines, the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) via the ARISE+ IPR program and the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) will be holding a webinar to guide them in safeguarding their intellectual property (IP) assets in the country. 

The “Seminar on IP Services and Tools to Businesses in the Philippines,” is part of the EU-funded ARISE+ IPR program to raise awareness on the support and services offered by IP Offices in ASEAN for the benefit of those doing business in the region. 

Targeting local and international entrepreneurs, the virtual event will provide essential information on the Philippines’ IP system, the Office’s role in helping businesses grow through their IP assets and the programs and services it offers, including Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), which could benefit MSMEs.

Atty. Mary Grace Cruz-Yap, Director IV of the Documentation, Information and Technology Transfer Bureau, will be presenting the first session, “Introduction about the IP Office of the Philippines and its Support to Businesses.” Afterwards, Atty. Christine Pangilinan-Canlapan, Director III of the Bureau of Legal Affairs, will present in the second session an “Introduction about IPOPHL’s ADR Services.”

Following the presentations, the session “Dialogue with the Businesses” will serve as a platform for businesses to ask questions, and share their comments and suggestions on IPOPHL’s presentations.

The “Seminar on IP Services and Tools to Businesses in the Philippines” will take place on October 27, 2021 at 14:00-16:30 (GMT+8, Manila time) / 08:00-10:30 (GMT+2, CEST) via the Zoom platform. Register now at https://bit.ly/3gPzszV.


The ARISE Plus Intellectual Property Rights (ARISE+ IPR) programme is one of the components under the Enhanced ASEAN Regional Integration Support from the European Union (EU) — or ARISE Plus — programme. The five-year, EUR 5.5 million ARISE+ IPR programme supports regional integration through IP cooperation and aims to upgrade IP systems for creation, protection, utilisation, administration and enforcement, in line with international best practices and standards and the strategic objectives of the ASEAN IPR Action Plan 2016-2025

ARISE+ IPR aims to:

  • enhance participation of ASEAN Member States in international IP treaties and global systems;
  • contribute to institutional capacity building to develop more efficient ASEAN IP offices;
  • increase political and public awareness of the importance of IP protection and enforcement;
  • reinforce the capacity of ASEAN businesses to commercialise and protect their IP rights;
  • provide tailor-made support to Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar to promote IP rights and innovation.

ARISE+ IPR operates concurrently with another EU-funded project also implemented by the EUIPO, IP Key South-East Asia (IP Key SEA), which shares the same thematic and geographical scope. Each programme has a distinct focus and approach, with ARISE+ IPR targeting economic integration within ASEAN and IP Key SEA focusing on fostering IP convergence between individual Southeast Asian nations and the EU, with a view to supporting bilateral trade agreements with comprehensive chapters on IP rights, whether concluded or under negotiation, as well as IP dialogues. The programmes are complementary and have the same ultimate objective: to improve the IP environment in the region to the benefit of all stakeholders operating with and within the region.


The European Union (EU) is the world’s biggest development aid donor. Its development policy seeks to foster sustainable development and build a fairer and more stable world, concentrating on priority areas such as human rights, democracy and other aspects of good governance, and inclusive and sustainable economic growth.


The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) is an agency of the EU, based in Alicante, Spain. It manages the registration of the European Union trade mark (EUTM) and the Registered Community design (RCD), both of which provide protection in all 27 EU Member States, as well as carrying out cooperation activities with the national and regional IP offices of the EU. Under the goals of its Strategic Plan 2020, the EUIPO, in cooperation with national and regional EU IP offices, aims to promote global IP cooperation between EU partners, third countries and multilateral organisations.


Alejandro Izquierdo López: alejandro.izquierdo@euipo.europa.eu

and ARISE+ IPR: Arise+IPR@euipo.europa.eu

Website: https://internationalipcooperation.eu/en/ariseplusipr

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