IPOPHL Awards its Top Performers for 2016

12 December 2017

Irma F. Diaz (middle), IPOPHL’s Outstanding Employee for 2016 receives her award from Director General Josephine R. Santiago (left) and Deputy Director General Nelson P. Laluces (right)

The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) awarded its top performers under the Office’s Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE) on 06 December 2017 in Makati City. PRAISE is an annual search for exemplary employees who have consistently reached operational targets, have shown competence and efficiency in the performance of duties, reliability, teamanship, and adherence to office policies.
The Outstanding Employee Award was given to Ms. Irma F. Diaz of the Bureau of Patents (BOP) who also received the highest rating (100%) among the nine top performers. Aside from her outstanding performance, the PRAISE Committee has agreed that Diaz has demonstrated unwavering commitment to serve the public by heart for 40 years.  Ms. Diaz is set to retire in 2018.
The other IPOPHL top performers for 2016 are:
2nd level product line – Technical Staff:
  • Atty. Zsa May S. Pe Lim, Bureau of Legal Affairs
  • Irma F. Diaz, Bureau of Patents
  • Rianelle L. Andrade, Bureau of Trademarks
2nd level product line – Administrative Staff:
  • Sharon S. Alcantara, Bureau of Legal Affairs
  • Hermencita B. Omagbon, Bureau of Patents
  • Ana Maida J. Zamora, Bureau of Trademarks
1st level Product Line /Administrative & Support Services - Administrative Staff:
  • Emilia J. Monteverde, Bureau of Legal Affairs
  • Vicente P. Ramos, Jr., Bureau of Patents
  • Cherry Mae B. Cabigao, Bureau of Trademarks
Engr. Marlo Q. Carag and Atty. Marianne A. Isabedra were awarded the Career and Self-Development Award for completing a Master’s Degree in Government Management and passing the 2016 Philippine Bar Exam, respectively.
45 employees were also presented with loyalty awards as they celebrated their 15th, 20th, 30th, 35th and 40th anniversaries in IPOPHL this 2017.