thumbnail-IPOPHL calls for accelerated talks on key IP treaties to protect indigenous heritage, boost knowledge economy

IPOPHL calls for accelerated talks on key IP treaties to protect indigenous heritage, boost knowledge economy

July 15, 2024 

The Philippines has called on fellow Member States at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to work towards a consensus on international instruments that have been a contention in longstanding negotiations but could give a boost to the knowledge economies of developing and least-developed countries. 

Speaking at the WIPO General Assemblies being convened this week in Geneva, Switzerland, Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) Director General  (DG) Rowel S. Barba emphasized the need for action on four pressing IP treaties: Treaties for the Protection of Traditional Knowledge (TK) and of Traditional Cultural Expressions (TCEs), the Design Law Treaty (DLT), and the Treaty for the Protection of Broadcasting Organizations.

The Treaties on TK and TCEs aim to establish international standards for protection, ensuring that communities are not deprived of their economic rights and cultural dignity.

The Philippines also looks forward to the Diplomatic Conference on the DLT, which seeks to harmonize industrial design protection requirements across countries, simplifying the process for designers entering international markets.

Another issue that the Philippines highlighted is the need to conclude the negotiations of the Broadcasting Treaty. 

“By closing existing gaps and streamlining processes, these treaties will provide stronger protection for cultural heritage, industrial designs and broadcasting rights, benefiting creators and communities worldwide and giving our creative and innovative Filipinos the leverage they need in this competitive digital age,” Barba said. 

The IPOPHL chief also reminded how 2024 has been a productive year for the international IP community, following the landmark adoption of the WIPO Treaty on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge last May. 

“The international community, with the leadership of WIPO Director General Daren Tang, has shown a commitment to a more inclusive and responsive IP system. Together with fellow Member States, the Philippines is determined to continue this progress, representing the voices of local artists, creators, and MSMEs in these critical international dialogues,” DG Barba added. 

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