MUST-READ: 12 new Pinoy Manga comics created thru IPOPHL’s Copyright Plus Program

October 19, 2023

Around 40 fresh Pinoy Manga stories made their debut at the July 2023 Kwentoon Festival which filled the SM Mega Trade Hall with comic enthusiasts and creators.

A product of the collaboration between the Bureau of Copyright and Related Rights (BCRR) and Kwentoon, the new Pinoy Manga comics were the outcomes of the six-month online Manga Bootcamp Activity funded by the BCRR’s Copyright Plus Program. 

The Manga Boot Camp aims to help local artists create original, world-class intellectual property through an intensive Manga workshop involving various professional mentors from the Philippines and Japan.  Meanwhile, the Copyright Plus Program seeks to serve the marginalized, unserved, underserved, minority groups or persons in society by unlocking their creative prowess and raising their appreciation of copyright’s role in their local and global success.

Below are 12 of the must-read Manga Boot Camp comics and the authors who share with us their inspirations for their work and their newfound knowledge on copyright — with some, after learning that copyright protection is granted automatically upon the moment of creation, are still intent to register their copyrighted works with IPOPHL for additional protection.



  1. Ms. Periwinkle by Anika 

Grand Winner in the Student Category and Special Mention for Best Illustration

SUMMARY: Gifted with excellent working skills, Ms. Periwinkle is idolized by many. But aside from her beauty and talent, she is hiding a vigilante side that could disappoint fans. How long can she keep her secret? 

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Anika, 19,  is a first year college student based in Cebu. She’s taking a teaching course focused on culture and the arts.

INSPIRATION: “The name Periwinkle itself is based on my favorite color. And I inspired her from Barbie but I wanted to do some changes to make it more appealing. It’s mostly based on John Wick. That’s why her other persona is named ‘Dobermann.’”

COPYRIGHT LEARNINGS: “IPOPHL said they have an online copyright registration system where we could register our works so I think I’m going to do that first.”


2. Sally Sally Store by SumPingPong 

1st runner up for the Student Category

SUMMARY: Sally Salazar is running late for school. Along the way, she is met with various challenges she hurdles with might, pressured not to be labeled as tardy.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: SumPingPong is a senior high school student in Balanga, Bataan. She joined to see where she belongs in the comic sphere and further discover her capabilities in drawing manga.

Since I knew that I was going to make a one-shot around 30 pages, I have to make my story short, sweet, and fun. I immediately thought of something school related to make it easily relatable, so I based my setting around that. I was also looking at video games for inspiration, particularly on how they were structured. That’s why my story can be split into three parts like levels in a game


I can protect and promote my work by registering it to IPOPHL with the help of a publisher.


3. Pigment of Dreams by Merly Labas

Top 5 in Student Category

SUMMARY: Sophie, a young accountant is dissatisfied with her job and thinks it is too late to pursue her passion for art. However, everything changed after she saw a painting made by an artist named Kevin. 

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Merly, 25, is an accounting graduate from Butuan City, Mindanao.

INSPIRATION FOR THE STORY: “It feels like a necessity for me to create this story as I’ve been battling an internal conflict for years and honestly don’t know where to channel all the accumulated chaos in my head. My main purpose is to help me understand my crisis and be my true best self and hopefully, I will be able to help others who face the same struggles as I do.”

COPYRIGHT LEARNINGS: “I think the best way to protect my original Manga is to register my work to be protected by copyright with IPOPHL for it to be easily protected by law against copyright infringements and to make sure that I will  enjoy my moral and economic rights from the work and even future economic benefits that might arise from it if there would be any.”




4. Comichaos by Kapumax

Grand Winner in the Professional Category; Best in Character Design; and Best in Illustration.

SUMMARY: Comichaos deals with comic characters who suddenly got sucked by a portal that led them to a world where all rejected comic character design dwells. Here, they need to team up with the leader of rebels who has a mission to overthrow the current emperor and use the portal making machine to make way for their own comic series.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Kapumax, 31, is an indie comic creator from Caloocan City who also does freelancing as a comic artist. He decided to join the Manga Bootcamp for three reasons: to learn more about manga more correctly from professional Manga/comic artists and storytellers; to learn and share his works to other comic artists, and to challenge himself.

INSPIRATION: “This comic is highly inspired from Cartoon Network, Marvel’s Avengers and Justice League where different comic characters are drawn together to make a new and more awesome comic series and programs.”

I would really like to publish my comic and have a copyright registration for my creation so that no one can use that for their own benefit. But as usual practice, I always put my name (watermark) on my works to help protect it. I always promote my works in social media, art platforms and also in group chats because I have automatic protection for my works from the moment these are created.


5. 999 Shamans by Arvie Tootz

2nd runner up for the Professional Category and Special Mention for Best Character Design

SUMMARY: The story centers on a boy who dreams to make his grandfather proud by following in his footsteps as a shaman. One morning, he seizes an opportunity to prove what he can do when an amongongo – a man-sized ape — attacks a town nearby. Here, he learns the important lesson: that magic spells are not the only counteroffensive against monsters.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Arvie, 24, has been working as an illustrator for four years. He is definitely no beginner as a comic artist after selling copies of his first work years ago at a comic convention.

INSPIRATION: “I grew up with albularyos (faith healers). When I was a kid, my father told me I was almost eaten by a tiktik – a mythical Filipino creature said to eat babies while still in their mother’s womb. The buntot pagi my father used to drive away the tiktik still hangs in our home as a reminder of that fateful night. In my childhood days, I encountered several mythical creatures in our hometown in Cavite. Although I’m often unsure if it’s only my imaginative mind playing tricks on me, they’re a good source of creative inspiration, nevertheless.”

COPYRIGHT LEARNINGS: “My best strategy is using watermarks. While I have works that are free to use for fun, I have works I really keep. So I don’t easily let others know about my ideas.”


6. Duende by M@ching

3rd runner up for the Professional Category

SUMMARY: Navarette Slums is a hell-hole neighborhood influenced by mobs and evil individuals. Navarrete elders who are so concerned for the future of the youths formed a vigilante organization, the teens called themselves “Duende.” They are trained to combat and they follow the Nation’s motto: Makatao (Theo), Makadiyos (Jojo), Makakalikasan (Allie) and Makabansa (Vans). Together, they will bring justice to the people of Navarrete against the evil forces so that someday, the government can finally take over.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A former public school junior mathematics teacher and now a stay-at-home mom in Malolos, Bulacan, Artist M@ching, 38, has dreamt of being a comic and animation creator since she was nine years old.

INSPIRATION: “I worked in a downcast neighborhood. I saw how adults helped and supported the government in their own ways, especially in upholding the morals of the youth. These kinds of gestures were not broadcasted in mainstream media, and as a newbie creator, I would like to commend these simple acts by showcasing them in a graphic novel.”

COPYRIGHT LEARNINGS: “Big thanks to organizations like Kwentoon for building us a bridge to IPOPHL. Now we know how copyright works and how to protect ourselves from piracy properly.”


7. Wishful Thinking Artist by Galaxy Rinrin 

Top 10 in Professional Category and Special Mention for Best Story

SUMMARY: A reality-warping, wish-granting trickster thinks that the desires of all people are so easy to figure out. It sets out to prove this by tricking a child then things don’t go too well.  

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Galaxy Rinrin, 31, is a visual arts educator and manga-style character illustrator from Quezon City. She does freelancing to create digital assets and create online content. 

INSPIRATION:It was mostly a random story that I thought of because I wanted to utilize the original characters I had, that were sitting around for years. I am mostly a character designer and less of a manga writer. So I thought whatever was the funniest idea at the moment if these two characters interacted with each other. There were lots of “What if…he did that, she did that”. I draw these silly ideas from real life interactions as well, so a slice-of-life comedy is the easiest for me to reference. Art imitates life, after all!”

COMMENTS ON COPYRIGHT: “The IP Code gives instant protection to your Intellectual property, the moment it is created. This will protect your work from being stolen, reproduced, and etc.  For best measures, we have to make sure to register our works for copyright protection at IPOPHL, and get the proper certifications.”


8. Feral Fang by EST

Top 10 for the Professional Category

SUMMARY: One morning, in a nearby village, Razz was asking villagers if they had seen the people in his sketchy drawings. Suddenly, he smelled food. Rushing to follow the scent, he stumbled upon a group of knights and then a pub called “Saloon.” He entered the pub to ask if they know the people he’s been looking for. But he ended up getting in trouble inside the pub. Luckily, Razz quickly escaped the bar after knowing there’s a lead in a nearby village. This is where the journey begins!

ABOUT THE ARTIST: EST, is a 28-year-old architect from Bicol, Camarines Sur. A lover of cats and dogs, he began drawing as a child and now creates manga in his spare time.

INSPIRATION: “The story was inspired from RPG games, trading card games, fantasy movies and fantasy novels like Grimm’s fairy tale and Edith Hamilton’s Mythology. Feral Fang was supposed to be an RPG Game inspired from my childhood and teenage years as a gamer.”

COPYRIGHT LEARNINGS: “I protect my works by submitting my copyright registration through IPOPHL.”


9. Biringan by Aphyrl

Top 10 Professional Category

SUMMARY: The story is about a college student, Sally, doing a thesis about the mythical city of Biringan. But her research gets her much further than she had intended. 

ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  26-year-old Aphryl is an examiner at IPOPHL’s Bureau of Trademarks.

INSPIRATION: “Biringan is a story close to my heart as it is a lore my mom always talked about since we were children. She would regale us (my sisters and I) with narratives about engkantos, inhabitants of Biringan, cases of missing people, mysterious entrances of the mythical city and a lot of other details about the city. I think these stories have shaped my fascination for conspiracy theories and the supernatural, which is why I wanted to create a manga out of this specific narrative. I wanted to pay homage to my mother, her town and the rich culture—specifically the stories—of our country.”

COPYRIGHT LEARNINGS: “I will protect my work (and my fellow artists’ works) by being particular in seeking permission, giving attribution and citing the actual authors whenever I use their works. I will also promote my work through posts across my social media accounts. I also hope my participation in this event would also inspire my colleagues at IPOPHL to actively join events like these and let their creativity shine.”


10. Elementaria by Jing Seguerra

 7th runner up for the Professional Category and Special Mention for Best Story

SUMMARY: Elementaria is a story about a mischievous boy, Rex, who made a wish for their town to be free from adults and their regulations. An event unfolds, leading to the liberation of schoolchildren from strict parental control. But Rex realizes this is not what he had wanted and sets out to bring back his mom and dad.

ABOUT THE ARTIST: Jing Seguerra, 52, is a self-taught artist and storyteller from Quezon City. With a degree in architecture, he is a freelance Project Consultant for construction projects and a contributing cartoonist, animator and illustrator.

INSPIRATION: “I’m inspired by the elementary days I had during my younger years in Quezon province. Our town has this old Gabaldon building which was built during the American colonial era and I thought of it as a time machine and found myself in another realm.”

COPYRIGHT LEARNINGS: “File for copyright (registration). I’m a copyright holder of my earlier comic strip works because I wanted to be sure that my creative works were protected, especially if the work was posted online.”


11. Robin by Chet Andrews

Within Top 10 in the Professional Category

SUMMARY: Robin, a warrior with no magic, wants to prove to her family of mages that she is capable of doing something big as they do. Failing to make it to the Celtic Domain’s elite guard, a strained relationship between the main character and her father – Great Wizard Rasmus – begins. Robin learns from her friend Nima about a magical relic – a fragment of a once powerful machine – that is said to grant powers to whoever finds it. Throughout the plot, a war between the Frankish Domain and the Roman Federation unleashes and spreads across New Europe. Robin vows to find the relic, gain magic, and end the war once and for all. 

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Chet Andrews, 23, is currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science, although he had wanted to work in the animation industry, mostly as a storyboard artist. He was born in Pangasinan and is currently living in Baguio City.

INSPIRATION: “I took inspiration from the games Command and Conquer 3, Cyberpunk 2077, Age of Civilizations II, Battlefield 3, and Total War: Medieval II for world-building and lore. I do take inspiration from shows and films. Of the shows I’ve watched, Samurai Jack, Vikings, The Iron Giant, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Nausicaa were my biggest inspirations for the story writing.”

COMMENTS ON COPYRIGHT:  Honestly, I’m still figuring out how I would deal with things every time I want to protect my art in this current climate. I mean, I wouldn’t mind much about people tracing art but I’m not so sure if I am in the right mind to handle situations like AI-related plagiarism, or repostings without consent, especially when there are reports of creatives getting harassed online for simply trying to protect their rights. All I can do is understand the concept of copyright, especially when it comes to complex issues, and learn to grow a thicker skin every time I exercise my worth and rights as an artist.


12. Spectrum by Spike Espique

SUMMARY: The story centers on the special friendship between Carl and Miku. Their bond started immediately after Miku came to Carl’s rescue when he was being bullied for his mild autism. Throughout their friendship, however, Carl has never looked Miku in the eye. This leaves Miku confused and disheartened. But one day, a miracle happened.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Spike is a former IT professional and senior manager at Accenture. He is an author, a public speaker, trainer, entrepreneur, photographer, social media content creator, artist and a full-time dad. He is also a chapter president of the Business Network International and of Toastmasters Club. 

INSPIRATION: “The story was inspired by my son who is diagnosed with mild autism. This work is part of my advocacy to educate more people about autism spectrum disorder.”

COPYRIGHT LEARNINGS: “I’ll be marketing it on social media and I’m considering delivering it in a digital format. I’m still planning whether it will be stored in a learning management system where systems are usually in place to prevent the illegal reproduction of works.”



SUMMARY: Meet the Charcoals, the cute residents of an imaginary kingdom of Grillipin, who are energetic and enthusiastic when they are ignited.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Reignbavarian. Aspiring mangaka from Calamba City, Laguna. 31 yo and working overseas.

Burning Charcoals was inspired by a charismatic talk about lukewarm believers in need of something to rekindle their inner fire. The One-shot manga entitled Attack of Onions is a spin-off of the main series in relation to the previous 2022 Onion Crisis in the PH market.”

COPYRIGHT LESSONS: Aside from the consistent social media presence of my watermark, I plan on compiling my comics into a book and registering it for copyright protection. In line with this, I will join several competitions and/or pitch my works to publishers for convention-wide or probably nationwide distribution.”



SUMMARY: The story is about a hopeless individual who uses desperate measures in order to find true love… or is it?

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Artdelata is a 36 year old artist from Baguio City. His day job is a company manager but his passion is drawing. 

INSPIRATION: “There’s no specific inspiration. I just love almost any type of genre. But fantasy romances with deep mystery or psychological twists are my fave stories. Filipino setting since this is what I’m familiar with.”

COPYRIGHT LEARNINGS:Publishing and printing my concept stories.”



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