Step 1

Filing of Search Request

Send search request letter to the IP Search and Documentation Division (IPSDD) via email:

Email subject: “Patent Search Request


    • Filled-out search request form (Fillable Form 600
    • Letter in pdf format (only when available)

Step 2

Payment of Required Fees

  • For manual payment: The statement of account (SOA) will be sent by IPSDD; payment should be made within 30 days from the date of SOA at the IPOPHL Cashier


  • For online payment: An online payment link together with the details of eSOA – SOA generated through the SOA Online - shall be sent by IPSDD

Step 3

Proof of Payment

  • For manual payment: Send a scanned or photographed copy of the stamped paid SOA along with the OR to IPSDD


  • For online payment: Send a copy of the EOR or the electronic official receipt of IPOPHL to IPSDD

Step 4

Receive Search Report

Your patent search report will be ready within 7 working days for equivalent and compound per se searches, and 20 working days for a comprehensive search

The search report shall be sent by IPSDD via email.

Special Services Fees

State of the Art Search and Related SearchSmall Entity (with 100M worth of assets or less) Big Entity (with more than 100M worth of assets)
Equivalent Search and/or Compound per se Search3,250.003,900.00
Comprehensive Search14,500.00 17,400.00

Note: All fees are subject to 1% Legal Research Fund (LRF) as required by R.A. 3870. For full set of fees, refer to:  Schedule of Fees